Great, but a few problems
Here's the deal: Art, animation, voice work, sound effects--all fantastic. The problems lie in the story:
1. For a story that keeps the audience wondering whether it's supposed to be scary or funny, it's too long. That kind of question needs to be answered sooner, especially if you're going for a funny ending.
2. The dialogue starts too late. I thought it was a silent movie at first, but then he started talking and the readjustment was a little awkward. It should either have had dialogue from the beginning or been silent.
3. There's too much focus on the dog at the beginning. It seemed like you were going to tell the story from the dog's perspective, but then it switched to the owner and the dog turned up dead. It felt wrong. Establish who the central character is right away.
4. Furries, man? Come on, that's a little old hat.
Don't misinterpret this as me not liking it. I quite enjoyed it. Just giving a few pointers to help your storytelling in the future. Nice work!